Minggu, 29 November 2020

Daftar Lagu-Lagu Kebangsaan Negara Di Dunia

Daftar Lagu-lagu Kebangsaan Negara di Dunia – Setiap Negara memiliki Lagu Kebangsaannya masing-masing, Lirik lagu kebangsaan tersebut umumnya memakai Bahasa Nasional Negara yang bersangkutan. Contohnya seperti lirik Lagu kebangsaan Negara kita adalah “Indonesia Raya” yang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, lirik lagu kebangsaan China yaitu “Yi yong jun Jin xing qu” yang menggunakan bahasa Mandarin (Chinese), lirik lagu kebangsaan Amerika Serikat “The Star-Spangled Banner” yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan Lagu Kebangsaan Jepang “Kimigayo” yang menggunakan Bahasa Jepang.

Lagu Kebangsaan yang ialah Lagu resmi dan simbol suatu Negara ini juga sering diperdengarkan pada ajang olahraga Internasional pada setiap upacara pertolongan medali  kepada negara pemenang.

Daftar Lagu-lagu Kebangsaan Negara di Dunia

Berikut dibawah ini adalah judul lagu-lagu kebangsaan Negara di Dunia, sebab hampir semua lagu-lagu kebangsaan tersebut dalam bahasa nasional masing-masing, maka aku juga lampirkan penerjemahannya dalam bahasa Inggris. Lagu Kebangsaan Negara dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Inggris ini dikutip dari CIA World Factbook.

Nama NegaraLagu Kebangsaan*Lagu Kebangsaan**
AfganistanMilli SuroodNational Anthem
Afrika SelatanNational Anthem of South AfricaNational Anthem of South Africa
Afrika TengahLe RenaissanceThe Renaissance
AlbaniaHymni i FlamuritHymn to the Flag
AlgeriaKassamanWe Pledge
Amerika SerikatThe Star-Spangled BannerThe Star-Spangled Banner
AndorraEl Gran CarlemanyThe Great Charlemagne
AngolaAngola AvanteForward Angola
Antigua & BarbudaFair Antigua, We Salute TheeFair Antigua, We Salute Thee
Arab SaudiAash Al MaleekLong Live Our Beloved King
ArgentinaHimno Nacional ArgentinoArgentine National Anthem
ArmeniaMer HayrenikOur Fatherland
AustraliaAdvance Australia FairAdvance Australia Fair
AustriaBundeshymneFederal Hymn
AzerbaijanAzerbaijan MarsiMarch of Azerbaijan
BahamaMarch On, Bahamaland!March On, Bahamaland!
BahrainBahrainonaOur Bahrain
BangladeshAmar Shonar BanglaMy Golden Bengal
BarbadosThe National Anthem of BarbadosThe National Anthem of Barbados
BelandaHet WilhelmusThe William
BelarusMy, BielarusyWe Belarusians
BelgiaLa BrabanconneThe Song of Brabant
BelizeLand of the FreeLand of the Free
BeninL’Aube NouvelleThe Dawn of a New Day
BhutanDruk tsendhenThe Thunder Dragon Kingdom
BoliviaCancion PatrioticaPatriotic Song
Bosnia & HerzegovinaDrzavna himna Bosne i

 The National Anthem of Bosnia

and Herzegovina
BotswanaFatshe leno la ronaOur Land
BrasilHino Nacional BrasileiroBrazilian National Anthem
Britania RayaGod Save the QueenGod Save the Queen
Brunei DarussalamAllah Peliharakan SultanGod Bless His Majesty
BulgariaMila RodinoDear Homeland
Burkina FasoLe DitanyeAnthem of Victory
BurundiBurundi BwacuOur Beloved Burundi
CekoKde domov muj?Where is My Home?
ChadLa TchadienneThe Chadian
ChiliHimno Nacional de ChileNational Anthem of Chile
ChinaYi yong jun Jin xing quThe March of the Volunteers
DenmarkDer er et yndigt land;

Kong Christian
There is a Lovely Land;

King Christian
DomikiaIsle of BeautyIsle of Beauty
EkuadorSalve, Oh Patria!We Salute You, Our Homeland
El SalvadorHimno Nacional de El SalvadorNational Anthem of El Salvador
EritreaErtra, Ertra, ErtraEritrea, Eritrea, Eritrea
EstoniaMu isamaa, mu onn ja roomMy Native Land, My Pride and Joy
EthiopiaWhedefit Gesgeshi Woud Enat EthiopiaMarch Forward, Dear Mother Ethiopia
FijiGod Bless FijiGod Bless Fiji
FilipinaLupang HinirangChosen Land
FinlandiaMaammeOur Land
GabonLa ConcordeThe Concorde
GambiaFor The Gambia, Our HomelandFor The Gambia, Our Homeland
GhanaGod Bless Our Homeland GhanaGod Bless Our Homeland Ghana
GrenadaHail GrenadaHail Grenada
GuatemalaHimno Nacional de GuatemalaNational Anthem of Guatemala
Guinea BissauEsta e a Nossa Patria Bem AmadaThis Is Our Beloved Country
Guinea KhatulistiwaCaminemos pisando la sendaLet Us Tread the Path
GuyanaDear Land of Guyana, of Rivers and PlainsDear Land of Guyana, of Rivers and Plains
HaitiLa DessalinienneThe Dessalines Song
HondurasHimno Nacional de HondurasNational Anthem of Honduras
IndiaJana-Gana-ManaThou Art the Ruler of the Minds of All People
IndonesiaIndonesia RayaGreat Indonesia
IrakMawtiniMy Homeland
IranSoroud-e Melli-ye Jomhouri-ye Eslami-ye IranNational Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran
IrlandiaAmhran na bhFiannThe Soldier’s Song
IslandiaLofsongurSong of Praise
IsraelHatikvahThe Hope
ItaliaIl Canto degli ItalianiThe Song of the Italians
JamaikaJamaica, Land We LoveJamaica, Land We Love
JepangKimigayoThe Emperor”s Reign
JermanDas Lied der DeutschenSong of the Germans
JordanAs-salam al-malaki al-urdoniLong Live the King of Jordan
KambojaNokoreachRoyal Kingdom
KamerunO Cameroun, Berceau de nos AncetresO Cameroon, Cradle of Our Forefathers
KanadaO CanadaO Canada
KazakhstanMenin QazaqstanimMy Kazakhstan
KenyaEe Mungu Nguvu YetuOh God of All Creation
KirgizstanKyrgyz Respublikasynyn Mamlekettik GimniNational Anthem of the Kyrgyz Republic
KiribatiTeirake kaini KiribatiStand Up, Kiribati
KolombiaHimno Nacional de la

Republica de Colombia
National Anthem of the

Republic of Colombia
KomoroUdzima wa ya MasiwaThe Union of the Great Islands
Republik KongoLa CongolaiseThe Congolese
Korea SelatanAegukgaPatriotic Song
Korea UtaraAegukgaPatriotic Song
Kosta RikaHimno Nacional de Costa RicaNational Anthem of Costa Rica
KroasiaLijepa nasa domovinoOur Beautiful Homeland
KubaLa BayamesaThe Bayamo Song
KuwaitAl-Nasheed Al-WataniNational Anthem
LaosPheng Xat LaoHymn of the Lao People
LatviaDievs, sveti Latviju!God Bless Latvia
LebanonKulluna lil-watanAll Of Us, For Our Country!
LesothoLesotho fatse la bo ntat’a ronaLesotho, Land of Our Fathers
LiberiaAll Hail, Liberia Hail!All Hail, Liberia Hail!
LibyaLibya, Libya, LibyaLibya, Libya, Libya
LiechtensteinOben am jungen RheinHigh Above the Young Rhine
LituaniaTautiska giesmeThe National Song
LuksemburgOns Heemecht; De WilhelmusOur Motherland; The William
MadagaskarRy Tanindraza nay malala oOh, Our Beloved Fatherland
MakedoniaDenes nad MakedonijaToday Over Macedonia
MalawiMulungu dalitsa MalawiOh God Bless Our Land of Malawi
MalaysiaNegarakuMy Country
MaliLe MaliMali
MaltaL-Innu MaltiThe Maltese Anthem
MarokoHymne CherifienHymn of the Sharif
Marshall (Kep.)Forever Marshall IslandsForever Marshall Islands
MauritaniaHymne National de la Republique

Islamique de Mauritanie
National Anthem of the Islamic Republic

of Mauritania
MeksikoHimno Nacional MexicanoNational Anthem of Mexico
MesirBilady, Bilady, BiladyMy Homeland, My Homeland, My Homeland
MikronesiaPatriots of MicronesiaPatriots of Micronesia
MoldovaLimba noastraOur Language
MonakoA Marcia de MuneghuThe March of Monaco
MongoliaMongol ulsyn toriin duulalNational Anthem of Mongolia
MontenegroOj, svijetla majska zoroOh, Bright Dawn of May
MozambikPatria AmadaLovely Fatherland
MyanmarKaba Ma KyeiTill the End of the World, Myanmar
NamibiaNamibia, Land of the BraveNamibia, Land of the Brave
NauruNauru BwiemaSong of Nauru
NepalSayaun Thunga Phool KaHundreds of Flowers
NigerLa NigerienneThe Nigerien
NigeriaArise Oh Compatriots, Nigeria’s Call ObeyArise Oh Compatriots, Nigeria’s Call Obey
NikaraguaSalve a ti, NicaraguaHail to Thee, Nicaragua
NorwegiaJa, vi elsker dette landetYes, We Love This Country
OmanNashid as-Salaam as-SultaniThe Sultan’s Anthem
PakistanQaumi TaranaNational Anthem
PalauBelau rekidOur Palau
PanamaHimno IstmenoIsthmus Hymn
Pantai GadingL’AbidjanaiseSong of Abidjan
Papua NuginiO Arise All You SonsO Arise All You Sons
ParaguayParaguayos, Republica o muerte!Paraguayans, The Republic or Death!
PerancisLa MarseillaiseThe Song of Marseille
PeruHimno Nacional del PeruNational Anthem of Peru
PolandiaMazurek DabrowskiegoDabrowski’s Mazurka
PortugalA PortugesaThe Song of the Portuguese
QatarAl-Salam Al-AmiriThe Peace for the Anthem
Rep. Dem. KongoDebout CongolaiseArise Congolese
Republik DominikaHimno NacionalNational Anthem
RumaniaDesteapta-te romane!Wake up, Romanian!
RusiaGimn Rossiyskoy FederatsiiNational Anthem of the Russian Federation
RwandaRwanda nzizaRwanda, Our Beautiful Country
Saint Kitts and NevisOh Land of Beauty!Oh Land of Beauty!
Saint LuciaSons and Daughters of St. LuciaSons and Daughters of St. Lucia”
Saint Vincent & the GrenadinesSt. Vincent! Land So Beautiful!St. Vincent! Land So Beautiful!
SamoaO le Fu’a o le Sa’olotoga o SamoaThe Banner of Freedom
San MarinoInno Nazionale della RepubblicaNational Anthem of the Republic
Sao Tome & PrincipeIndependencia totalTotal Independence
Selandia BaruGod Defend New ZealandGod Defend New Zealand
SenegalPincez Tous vos Koras, Frappez les BalafonsPluck Your Koras, Strike the Balafons
SerbiaBoze pravdeGod of Justice
SeychellesKoste SeselwaSeychellois Unite
Sierra LeoneHigh We Exalt Thee, Realm of the FreeHigh We Exalt Thee, Realm of the Free
SingapuraMajulah SingapuraOnward Singapore
SiprusYmnos eis tin EleftherianHymn to Liberty
SloveniaZdravljicaA Toast
SlowakiaNad Tatrou sa blyskaLightning Over the Tatras
Solomon (Kep.)God Save Our Solomon IslandsGod Save Our Solomon Islands
SomaliaQolobaa CalankeedEvery Nation Has its own Flag
SpanyolHimno Nacional EspanolNational Anthem of Spain
Sri LankaSri Lanka MathaMother Sri Lanka
SudanNahnu Djundulla DjundulwatanWe Are the Army of God and of Our Land
Sudan SelatanSouth Sudan Oyee!Hooray!
SuriahHumat ad-DiyarGuardians of the Homeland
SurinameGod zij met ons Suriname!God Be With Our Suriname
SwazilandNkulunkulu Mnikati wetibusiso temaSwatiOh God, Bestower of the Blessings of the Swazi
SwediaDu Gamla, Du FriaThou Ancient, Thou Free
SwissSchweizerpsalm [German]Cantique Suisse [French]
TajikistanSurudi milliNational Anthem
Tanjung VerdeCantico da LiberdadeSong of Freedom
TanzaniaMungu ibariki AfrikaGod Bless Africa
ThailandPhleng Chat ThaiNational Anthem of Thailand
Timor LestePatriaFatherland
TogoSalut a toi, pays de nos aieuxHail to Thee, Land of Our Forefathers
TongaKo e fasi `o e tu”i `o e `Otu TongaSong of the King of the Tonga Islands
Trinidad & TobagoForged From the Love of LibertyForged From the Love of Liberty
TunisiaHumat Al HimaDefenders of the Homeland
TurkiIstiklal MarsiIndependence March
TurkmenistanGarassyz, Bitarap TurkmenistanynIndependent, Neutral, Turkmenistan State Anthem
TuvaluTuvalu mo te AtuaTuvalu for the Almighty
UgandaOh Uganda, Land of Beauty!Oh Uganda, Land of Beauty!
UkrainaShche ne vmerla UkrainaUkraine Has Not Yet Perished
Uni Emirat ArabNashid al-watani al-imaratiNational Anthem of the UAE
UruguayHimno NacionalNational Anthem of Uruguay
UzbekistanO’zbekiston Respublikasining Davlat MadhiyasiNational Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan
VanuatuYumi, Yumi, YumiWe, We, We
VenezuelaGloria al bravo puebloGlory to the Brave People
VietnamTien quan caThe Song of the Marching Troops
Yamanal-qumhuriyatu l-muttahidaUnited Republic
YunaniYmnos eis tin EleftherianHymn to Liberty
ZambiaLumbanyeni ZambiaStand and Sing of Zambia, Proud and Free
ZimbabweKalibusiswe Ilizwe leZimbabwe;

Simudzai Mureza WeZimbabwe
Northern Ndebele language;

Blessed Be the Land of Zimbabwe

Sumber acuan : Lagu Kebangsaan Negara-negara di Dunia beserta terjemahannya dalam Inggris ini dikutip dari CIA World Factbook. Lagu Kebangsaan dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan Nasional Anthem.

Catatan :

* Judul Lagu Kebangsaan dalam bahasa nasional negara yang bersangkutan.

** Judul Lagu Kebangsaan negara bersangkutan yang telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris.

Sumber uy.com

