Daftar Lagu-lagu Kebangsaan Negara di Dunia – Setiap Negara memiliki Lagu Kebangsaannya masing-masing, Lirik lagu kebangsaan tersebut umumnya memakai Bahasa Nasional Negara yang bersangkutan. Contohnya seperti lirik Lagu kebangsaan Negara kita adalah “Indonesia Raya” yang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, lirik lagu kebangsaan China yaitu “Yi yong jun Jin xing qu” yang menggunakan bahasa Mandarin (Chinese), lirik lagu kebangsaan Amerika Serikat “The Star-Spangled Banner” yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan Lagu Kebangsaan Jepang “Kimigayo” yang menggunakan Bahasa Jepang.
Lagu Kebangsaan yang ialah Lagu resmi dan simbol suatu Negara ini juga sering diperdengarkan pada ajang olahraga Internasional pada setiap upacara pertolongan medali kepada negara pemenang.
Daftar Lagu-lagu Kebangsaan Negara di Dunia
Berikut dibawah ini adalah judul lagu-lagu kebangsaan Negara di Dunia, sebab hampir semua lagu-lagu kebangsaan tersebut dalam bahasa nasional masing-masing, maka aku juga lampirkan penerjemahannya dalam bahasa Inggris. Lagu Kebangsaan Negara dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Inggris ini dikutip dari CIA World Factbook.
Nama Negara | Lagu Kebangsaan* | Lagu Kebangsaan** |
Afganistan | Milli Surood | National Anthem |
Afrika Selatan | National Anthem of South Africa | National Anthem of South Africa |
Afrika Tengah | Le Renaissance | The Renaissance |
Albania | Hymni i Flamurit | Hymn to the Flag |
Algeria | Kassaman | We Pledge |
Amerika Serikat | The Star-Spangled Banner | The Star-Spangled Banner |
Andorra | El Gran Carlemany | The Great Charlemagne |
Angola | Angola Avante | Forward Angola |
Antigua & Barbuda | Fair Antigua, We Salute Thee | Fair Antigua, We Salute Thee |
Arab Saudi | Aash Al Maleek | Long Live Our Beloved King |
Argentina | Himno Nacional Argentino | Argentine National Anthem |
Armenia | Mer Hayrenik | Our Fatherland |
Australia | Advance Australia Fair | Advance Australia Fair |
Austria | Bundeshymne | Federal Hymn |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan Marsi | March of Azerbaijan |
Bahama | March On, Bahamaland! | March On, Bahamaland! |
Bahrain | Bahrainona | Our Bahrain |
Bangladesh | Amar Shonar Bangla | My Golden Bengal |
Barbados | The National Anthem of Barbados | The National Anthem of Barbados |
Belanda | Het Wilhelmus | The William |
Belarus | My, Bielarusy | We Belarusians |
Belgia | La Brabanconne | The Song of Brabant |
Belize | Land of the Free | Land of the Free |
Benin | L’Aube Nouvelle | The Dawn of a New Day |
Bhutan | Druk tsendhen | The Thunder Dragon Kingdom |
Bolivia | Cancion Patriotica | Patriotic Song |
Bosnia & Herzegovina | Drzavna himna Bosne i Hercegovine | The National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Botswana | Fatshe leno la rona | Our Land |
Brasil | Hino Nacional Brasileiro | Brazilian National Anthem |
Britania Raya | God Save the Queen | God Save the Queen |
Brunei Darussalam | Allah Peliharakan Sultan | God Bless His Majesty |
Bulgaria | Mila Rodino | Dear Homeland |
Burkina Faso | Le Ditanye | Anthem of Victory |
Burundi | Burundi Bwacu | Our Beloved Burundi |
Ceko | Kde domov muj? | Where is My Home? |
Chad | La Tchadienne | The Chadian |
Chili | Himno Nacional de Chile | National Anthem of Chile |
China | Yi yong jun Jin xing qu | The March of the Volunteers |
Denmark | Der er et yndigt land; Kong Christian | There is a Lovely Land; King Christian |
Djibouti | Jabuuti | Djibouti |
Domikia | Isle of Beauty | Isle of Beauty |
Ekuador | Salve, Oh Patria! | We Salute You, Our Homeland |
El Salvador | Himno Nacional de El Salvador | National Anthem of El Salvador |
Eritrea | Ertra, Ertra, Ertra | Eritrea, Eritrea, Eritrea |
Estonia | Mu isamaa, mu onn ja room | My Native Land, My Pride and Joy |
Ethiopia | Whedefit Gesgeshi Woud Enat Ethiopia | March Forward, Dear Mother Ethiopia |
Fiji | God Bless Fiji | God Bless Fiji |
Filipina | Lupang Hinirang | Chosen Land |
Finlandia | Maamme | Our Land |
Gabon | La Concorde | The Concorde |
Gambia | For The Gambia, Our Homeland | For The Gambia, Our Homeland |
Georgia | Tavisupleba | Liberty |
Ghana | God Bless Our Homeland Ghana | God Bless Our Homeland Ghana |
Grenada | Hail Grenada | Hail Grenada |
Guatemala | Himno Nacional de Guatemala | National Anthem of Guatemala |
Guinea | Liberte | Liberty |
Guinea Bissau | Esta e a Nossa Patria Bem Amada | This Is Our Beloved Country |
Guinea Khatulistiwa | Caminemos pisando la senda | Let Us Tread the Path |
Guyana | Dear Land of Guyana, of Rivers and Plains | Dear Land of Guyana, of Rivers and Plains |
Haiti | La Dessalinienne | The Dessalines Song |
Honduras | Himno Nacional de Honduras | National Anthem of Honduras |
Hongaria | Himnusz | Hymn |
India | Jana-Gana-Mana | Thou Art the Ruler of the Minds of All People |
Indonesia | Indonesia Raya | Great Indonesia |
Irak | Mawtini | My Homeland |
Iran | Soroud-e Melli-ye Jomhouri-ye Eslami-ye Iran | National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran |
Irlandia | Amhran na bhFiann | The Soldier’s Song |
Islandia | Lofsongur | Song of Praise |
Israel | Hatikvah | The Hope |
Italia | Il Canto degli Italiani | The Song of the Italians |
Jamaika | Jamaica, Land We Love | Jamaica, Land We Love |
Jepang | Kimigayo | The Emperor”s Reign |
Jerman | Das Lied der Deutschen | Song of the Germans |
Jordan | As-salam al-malaki al-urdoni | Long Live the King of Jordan |
Kamboja | Nokoreach | Royal Kingdom |
Kamerun | O Cameroun, Berceau de nos Ancetres | O Cameroon, Cradle of Our Forefathers |
Kanada | O Canada | O Canada |
Kazakhstan | Menin Qazaqstanim | My Kazakhstan |
Kenya | Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu | Oh God of All Creation |
Kirgizstan | Kyrgyz Respublikasynyn Mamlekettik Gimni | National Anthem of the Kyrgyz Republic |
Kiribati | Teirake kaini Kiribati | Stand Up, Kiribati |
Kolombia | Himno Nacional de la Republica de Colombia | National Anthem of the Republic of Colombia |
Komoro | Udzima wa ya Masiwa | The Union of the Great Islands |
Republik Kongo | La Congolaise | The Congolese |
Korea Selatan | Aegukga | Patriotic Song |
Korea Utara | Aegukga | Patriotic Song |
Kosta Rika | Himno Nacional de Costa Rica | National Anthem of Costa Rica |
Kroasia | Lijepa nasa domovino | Our Beautiful Homeland |
Kuba | La Bayamesa | The Bayamo Song |
Kuwait | Al-Nasheed Al-Watani | National Anthem |
Laos | Pheng Xat Lao | Hymn of the Lao People |
Latvia | Dievs, sveti Latviju! | God Bless Latvia |
Lebanon | Kulluna lil-watan | All Of Us, For Our Country! |
Lesotho | Lesotho fatse la bo ntat’a rona | Lesotho, Land of Our Fathers |
Liberia | All Hail, Liberia Hail! | All Hail, Liberia Hail! |
Libya | Libya, Libya, Libya | Libya, Libya, Libya |
Liechtenstein | Oben am jungen Rhein | High Above the Young Rhine |
Lituania | Tautiska giesme | The National Song |
Luksemburg | Ons Heemecht; De Wilhelmus | Our Motherland; The William |
Madagaskar | Ry Tanindraza nay malala o | Oh, Our Beloved Fatherland |
Makedonia | Denes nad Makedonija | Today Over Macedonia |
Maladewa | ||
Malawi | Mulungu dalitsa Malawi | Oh God Bless Our Land of Malawi |
Malaysia | Negaraku | My Country |
Mali | Le Mali | Mali |
Malta | L-Innu Malti | The Maltese Anthem |
Maroko | Hymne Cherifien | Hymn of the Sharif |
Marshall (Kep.) | Forever Marshall Islands | Forever Marshall Islands |
Mauritania | Hymne National de la Republique Islamique de Mauritanie | National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania |
Mauritius | Motherland | Motherland |
Meksiko | Himno Nacional Mexicano | National Anthem of Mexico |
Mesir | Bilady, Bilady, Bilady | My Homeland, My Homeland, My Homeland |
Mikronesia | Patriots of Micronesia | Patriots of Micronesia |
Moldova | Limba noastra | Our Language |
Monako | A Marcia de Muneghu | The March of Monaco |
Mongolia | Mongol ulsyn toriin duulal | National Anthem of Mongolia |
Montenegro | Oj, svijetla majska zoro | Oh, Bright Dawn of May |
Mozambik | Patria Amada | Lovely Fatherland |
Myanmar | Kaba Ma Kyei | Till the End of the World, Myanmar |
Namibia | Namibia, Land of the Brave | Namibia, Land of the Brave |
Nauru | Nauru Bwiema | Song of Nauru |
Nepal | Sayaun Thunga Phool Ka | Hundreds of Flowers |
Niger | La Nigerienne | The Nigerien |
Nigeria | Arise Oh Compatriots, Nigeria’s Call Obey | Arise Oh Compatriots, Nigeria’s Call Obey |
Nikaragua | Salve a ti, Nicaragua | Hail to Thee, Nicaragua |
Norwegia | Ja, vi elsker dette landet | Yes, We Love This Country |
Oman | Nashid as-Salaam as-Sultani | The Sultan’s Anthem |
Pakistan | Qaumi Tarana | National Anthem |
Palau | Belau rekid | Our Palau |
Panama | Himno Istmeno | Isthmus Hymn |
Pantai Gading | L’Abidjanaise | Song of Abidjan |
Papua Nugini | O Arise All You Sons | O Arise All You Sons |
Paraguay | Paraguayos, Republica o muerte! | Paraguayans, The Republic or Death! |
Perancis | La Marseillaise | The Song of Marseille |
Peru | Himno Nacional del Peru | National Anthem of Peru |
Polandia | Mazurek Dabrowskiego | Dabrowski’s Mazurka |
Portugal | A Portugesa | The Song of the Portuguese |
Qatar | Al-Salam Al-Amiri | The Peace for the Anthem |
Rep. Dem. Kongo | Debout Congolaise | Arise Congolese |
Republik Dominika | Himno Nacional | National Anthem |
Rumania | Desteapta-te romane! | Wake up, Romanian! |
Rusia | Gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii | National Anthem of the Russian Federation |
Rwanda | Rwanda nziza | Rwanda, Our Beautiful Country |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Oh Land of Beauty! | Oh Land of Beauty! |
Saint Lucia | Sons and Daughters of St. Lucia | Sons and Daughters of St. Lucia” |
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines | St. Vincent! Land So Beautiful! | St. Vincent! Land So Beautiful! |
Samoa | O le Fu’a o le Sa’olotoga o Samoa | The Banner of Freedom |
San Marino | Inno Nazionale della Repubblica | National Anthem of the Republic |
Sao Tome & Principe | Independencia total | Total Independence |
Selandia Baru | God Defend New Zealand | God Defend New Zealand |
Senegal | Pincez Tous vos Koras, Frappez les Balafons | Pluck Your Koras, Strike the Balafons |
Serbia | Boze pravde | God of Justice |
Seychelles | Koste Seselwa | Seychellois Unite |
Sierra Leone | High We Exalt Thee, Realm of the Free | High We Exalt Thee, Realm of the Free |
Singapura | Majulah Singapura | Onward Singapore |
Siprus | Ymnos eis tin Eleftherian | Hymn to Liberty |
Slovenia | Zdravljica | A Toast |
Slowakia | Nad Tatrou sa blyska | Lightning Over the Tatras |
Solomon (Kep.) | God Save Our Solomon Islands | God Save Our Solomon Islands |
Somalia | Qolobaa Calankeed | Every Nation Has its own Flag |
Spanyol | Himno Nacional Espanol | National Anthem of Spain |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka Matha | Mother Sri Lanka |
Sudan | Nahnu Djundulla Djundulwatan | We Are the Army of God and of Our Land |
Sudan Selatan | South Sudan Oyee! | Hooray! |
Suriah | Humat ad-Diyar | Guardians of the Homeland |
Suriname | God zij met ons Suriname! | God Be With Our Suriname |
Swaziland | Nkulunkulu Mnikati wetibusiso temaSwati | Oh God, Bestower of the Blessings of the Swazi |
Swedia | Du Gamla, Du Fria | Thou Ancient, Thou Free |
Swiss | Schweizerpsalm [German] | Cantique Suisse [French] |
Tajikistan | Surudi milli | National Anthem |
Tanjung Verde | Cantico da Liberdade | Song of Freedom |
Tanzania | Mungu ibariki Afrika | God Bless Africa |
Thailand | Phleng Chat Thai | National Anthem of Thailand |
Timor Leste | Patria | Fatherland |
Togo | Salut a toi, pays de nos aieux | Hail to Thee, Land of Our Forefathers |
Tonga | Ko e fasi `o e tu”i `o e `Otu Tonga | Song of the King of the Tonga Islands |
Trinidad & Tobago | Forged From the Love of Liberty | Forged From the Love of Liberty |
Tunisia | Humat Al Hima | Defenders of the Homeland |
Turki | Istiklal Marsi | Independence March |
Turkmenistan | Garassyz, Bitarap Turkmenistanyn | Independent, Neutral, Turkmenistan State Anthem |
Tuvalu | Tuvalu mo te Atua | Tuvalu for the Almighty |
Uganda | Oh Uganda, Land of Beauty! | Oh Uganda, Land of Beauty! |
Ukraina | Shche ne vmerla Ukraina | Ukraine Has Not Yet Perished |
Uni Emirat Arab | Nashid al-watani al-imarati | National Anthem of the UAE |
Uruguay | Himno Nacional | National Anthem of Uruguay |
Uzbekistan | O’zbekiston Respublikasining Davlat Madhiyasi | National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
Vanuatu | Yumi, Yumi, Yumi | We, We, We |
Venezuela | Gloria al bravo pueblo | Glory to the Brave People |
Vietnam | Tien quan ca | The Song of the Marching Troops |
Yaman | al-qumhuriyatu l-muttahida | United Republic |
Yunani | Ymnos eis tin Eleftherian | Hymn to Liberty |
Zambia | Lumbanyeni Zambia | Stand and Sing of Zambia, Proud and Free |
Zimbabwe | Kalibusiswe Ilizwe leZimbabwe; Simudzai Mureza WeZimbabwe | Northern Ndebele language; Blessed Be the Land of Zimbabwe |
Sumber acuan : Lagu Kebangsaan Negara-negara di Dunia beserta terjemahannya dalam Inggris ini dikutip dari CIA World Factbook. Lagu Kebangsaan dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan Nasional Anthem.
Catatan :
* Judul Lagu Kebangsaan dalam bahasa nasional negara yang bersangkutan.
** Judul Lagu Kebangsaan negara bersangkutan yang telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris.
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